UNTER UNS – A Journey into the depth of the ground
The ground lives from what is passed on to it. It absorbs it, redirects it, forms it, negotiates – and everything becomes a part of it.
Those who hear the ground, hear the cycle of life.
UNTER UNS is an experimental theater piece – an inner and outer journey through the earth’s strata, down to the rumbling depths and treasures to emerge at the vibrant surface where we encounter each other every day.

Dimitri de Perrot uses sound as a central theatrical narrative means. With his spatial productions, he guides the audience towards an in-depth listening experience, based on the conviction that hearing and the ability to listen are an essential foundation for any form of coexistence and peaceful community. It is a skill that needs to be practised and cultivated again and again so that it can unfold. Listening takes time and an inner availability; by giving our time, we offer ourselves the possibility of an encounter, a discovery - listening is the beginning of understanding and change.
Dimitri de Perrot is a musician, stage designer, director and sound artist. He creates productions and sound installations for theatres, museums and public spaces, in which he subtly and poetically introduces the audience to listening to outer and inner worlds: « Dimitri de Perrot questions with great agility the boundaries between individuals. He succeeds in the feat of creating a collective, even though he mobilises our most personal interpretations. » (La Terrasse)